What is compression therapy?
The concept of compression therapy lies on a simple and efficient mechanical principle: the application of an elastic garment around the leg. By compressing the limb with graduated compression – strongest at the ankle and decreasing going up the leg – the compression stocking helps the venous return, decreases venous pressure, prevents venous stasis and deterioration of venous walls, and efficiently relieves aching and heavy legs by aiding the body in moving blood up the leg against the pull of gravity.
This treatment is prescribed by a physician to treat phlebitis, thrombosis and aftercare following surgery, sclerotherapy and any other forms of varicose vein treatment, and also to relieve all conditions of chronic venous disease (heavy legs, varicose veins, oedemas, leg ulcers). It can also be prescribed to prevent venous issues during pregnancy and long distance travel. If no contraindications like severe arterial insufficiency are present you may even buy compression stockings of lower pressure without prescription.
Depending on the pathology, medical compression therapy can be applied in different forms: socks, stockings, pantyhose or bandages.
How can compression hosiery help you?
Compression hosiery are designed to help prevent the occurrence and guard against the further progression of venous disorders. They are elastic garments worn around the legs, arms, and feet creating pressure to help improve blood circulation.